Torvik magazine is a company founded in 2019 by victor mhula also known as “Torvik Mula” in the streets. Torvik Magazine its entirely purpose for existing is to give young and upcoming artist’s, scholars, business owners and ect. an opportunity to document their work and also to show case their work to a much bigger audience.
We believe the youth is the future of this nation , so helping in promoting the culture without any filter ,raw and uncut as it is helps in sustaining the culture in the long run. We take pride in our work and we believe in the the youth of this country and the opportunities that we are making for ourselves as a youth.
Many South Africans come from poor backgrounds so serving our country with no charge at cost helps us in inspiring the kids that everything is possible only with hardwork and self believe. This magazine exposes the kids to another dimension of life that they have never experienced.
Our goal as a company is we want to inspire as many as we can by providing the tools that are necessary needed to accomplish their goals. Torvik Magazine we also accept the kids who cant afford to study media in varsity. We give out internships every six months where we take students around south Africa and we give them professional training for various courses like Publishing ,Adobe Editing, Public Relations, Photography, Videography, Graphic Design and Marketing.